Saturday, April 2, 2011

I want us to be happy

I just want me and him to be happy together just like this picture. I want us to be happy with each other. Always. I want us to trust each other like we did before. I really want to be happy with him. I don't want to lose him. I love him so much. He mean's everything for me. I can't live without his voices, his touches, his kisses. I miss everything about him. He complete me and i really need him.

p/s : i love you so much fahmi Izwan. I really hope we can be happy like we did in the old times ;(

yeah ! finally,its mine!

Hari ni hari bahagia untuk aku sebab..sebab.. aku dapat benda idaman aku selama ini. Aku mmg nak sangat bendalah ni and finally yeah! it's mine. Nak thu apa yang aku dapat. Ini dia!

BlackBerry Bold 2. Ni lah Smartphone idaman aku.ehehehe.

Setelah mengidam selama beberapa bulan, akhirnya dapat juga aku merasa memiliki 'Berry2' ni. HAHAHA! knp berry2? itu lah nama yang diberikan oleh intan hanani untuk bedalah ni. Alhamdulillah.. Akhirnya.hehe 

Terima kasih banyak2 kepada ayah kesayangan ku Abd Aziz Bin Mat. Sayang Ayah! ;)

Friday, April 1, 2011


good afternoon everyone!! kenapa tajuk post fana kali ni 'finally'? it is because fana dah dapat customize background blog fana ni setelah berjam-jam mencuba. hehehe. cantik tak? cantik tak? pinkish gitu. Hehe. As you know, pink is my favorite coluor since was small. So, I'm obsess with pink and that's why i choose pink for my blog.

Hari ni, 2nd April 2011 and hari ni merupakan Anniversary ke-3 for my frindship with Zima. Well, we start getting close with each other since 2nd April 2008. Masa tu nak pergi birhtday Kd. fana start rapat and kenal dia time kt birthday party Kd tu lah. That day i realized that she's a nice person. Lama-kelamaan kitaorang semakin rapat.

Eventho kitaorang hanya sempat mencipta memory bersama hanya untuk 7 bulan sahaja, 7 bulan i guess tapi fana rasa kiteorang macam dah kenal lama and too many things we share with each other. By the way, kenapa 7 bulan? sebab lepas 7 bulan tu,dia kena ikut family dia pindah ke Sarawak. Ayah dia kena transfer kerja kat sana. Sedih gila kut masa tu. Rasa macam kehilangan gila ;(

Fana ingat lagi hari Zima nak pindah tu, Fana datang rumah dia sebab nak tengok pemergian dia ke Sarawak(poyonya ayat! HAHA!). Then,ayah Zima ajak fana, Ayu And Kiki to follow them to KLIA. Ayah dia belanja semua. Ayah dia memang baik. seriously ;) So,kitaorang pun follow lah family Zima ke KLIA. Mula-mula sampai kat KLIAtu,semua muka happy je macam tak de pape je. Hehe. kitaorang merayau lah satu KLIA tu. time goes by and sudah tiba masanya Zima and family dia untuk berlepas. Masa tu da nak start scene crying and all that stuff lah kan. HAHA! Firstly, Fana hug Zima dlu then Fana cakap kat dia 'Nanti dah tak boleh lepak dengan Zima kat tandas sekolah lagi' rasanya macam tu lah kut fana cakap. Then suddenly, my tears fall through my cheek. Zima pun menangis juga masa tu. Sumpah sedih gila time tu ;(

Then, ayah Zima bagi duit kat Fana ,Ayu and Kiki utk balik menaiki ERL to putrajaya. Masa dalam train tu, Fana still sedih and rasa nak menangis lagi tapi Ayu tlg pujuk fana. Thanks Ayu! kalau tak,memang tak berhenti lah Fana nangis.hehe

And now, Zima was studying at IIUM Petaling Jaya which is nearer than Sarawak.HAHA. But still, jarang jumpa. Hehe. Since she's study here, we just met twice. First, kat KLCC time Zima baru nak register kt IIUM. Second, Zima datang rumah Fana and sleepover here. hehe. Hopefully, dapat jumpa dalam masa terdekat ni sebab ada macam2 cerita nak berStory dgn dia.hehe

Last but not least, I miss to hanging out with her like old times ;) and and Zima! I miss you! Nanti dah balik PJ bagitahu tau! Okay, that's all for today! Kalau ada any mistakes in this post, buat bodo je lah eh?Hehehe

Toddles ;)

De' Intro Of Da Story.

Hello everyone! it's already 1:40 AM and i am still sitting here in front of my iMac to create my new blog. mweehehehehe. So, this is the new one and i'm going to share many story of my life. Mmm Mmm, tak tahu nak ckp apa dah. Let's begin.

Well,actually ni blog fana yang lama tapi fana update kasi baru. Baru punya cerita. Hehe. I am so excited reading my friends and cousin blog but fana sendiri xde blog. Maklum lah, Fana ni stalker. suka stalk orang. HAHAHAHA! So, after da baca banyak blog orang ni, Fana pun tiba-tiba teringin nak berblog-ing juga. Hehe. And here is it 'Farhana Aziz's' official blog.

Ermmm,actually fana dah mengantuk ni. That's why lah fana merepek bukan-bukan kat first post ni. So, i think that's all for today. esok fana update lagi okay. 

Btw, Happy Birthday My Lovely Blog ;D

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I want us to be happy

I just want me and him to be happy together just like this picture. I want us to be happy with each other. Always. I want us to trust each other like we did before. I really want to be happy with him. I don't want to lose him. I love him so much. He mean's everything for me. I can't live without his voices, his touches, his kisses. I miss everything about him. He complete me and i really need him.

p/s : i love you so much fahmi Izwan. I really hope we can be happy like we did in the old times ;(

yeah ! finally,its mine!

Hari ni hari bahagia untuk aku sebab..sebab.. aku dapat benda idaman aku selama ini. Aku mmg nak sangat bendalah ni and finally yeah! it's mine. Nak thu apa yang aku dapat. Ini dia!

BlackBerry Bold 2. Ni lah Smartphone idaman aku.ehehehe.

Setelah mengidam selama beberapa bulan, akhirnya dapat juga aku merasa memiliki 'Berry2' ni. HAHAHA! knp berry2? itu lah nama yang diberikan oleh intan hanani untuk bedalah ni. Alhamdulillah.. Akhirnya.hehe 

Terima kasih banyak2 kepada ayah kesayangan ku Abd Aziz Bin Mat. Sayang Ayah! ;)

Friday, April 1, 2011


good afternoon everyone!! kenapa tajuk post fana kali ni 'finally'? it is because fana dah dapat customize background blog fana ni setelah berjam-jam mencuba. hehehe. cantik tak? cantik tak? pinkish gitu. Hehe. As you know, pink is my favorite coluor since was small. So, I'm obsess with pink and that's why i choose pink for my blog.

Hari ni, 2nd April 2011 and hari ni merupakan Anniversary ke-3 for my frindship with Zima. Well, we start getting close with each other since 2nd April 2008. Masa tu nak pergi birhtday Kd. fana start rapat and kenal dia time kt birthday party Kd tu lah. That day i realized that she's a nice person. Lama-kelamaan kitaorang semakin rapat.

Eventho kitaorang hanya sempat mencipta memory bersama hanya untuk 7 bulan sahaja, 7 bulan i guess tapi fana rasa kiteorang macam dah kenal lama and too many things we share with each other. By the way, kenapa 7 bulan? sebab lepas 7 bulan tu,dia kena ikut family dia pindah ke Sarawak. Ayah dia kena transfer kerja kat sana. Sedih gila kut masa tu. Rasa macam kehilangan gila ;(

Fana ingat lagi hari Zima nak pindah tu, Fana datang rumah dia sebab nak tengok pemergian dia ke Sarawak(poyonya ayat! HAHA!). Then,ayah Zima ajak fana, Ayu And Kiki to follow them to KLIA. Ayah dia belanja semua. Ayah dia memang baik. seriously ;) So,kitaorang pun follow lah family Zima ke KLIA. Mula-mula sampai kat KLIAtu,semua muka happy je macam tak de pape je. Hehe. kitaorang merayau lah satu KLIA tu. time goes by and sudah tiba masanya Zima and family dia untuk berlepas. Masa tu da nak start scene crying and all that stuff lah kan. HAHA! Firstly, Fana hug Zima dlu then Fana cakap kat dia 'Nanti dah tak boleh lepak dengan Zima kat tandas sekolah lagi' rasanya macam tu lah kut fana cakap. Then suddenly, my tears fall through my cheek. Zima pun menangis juga masa tu. Sumpah sedih gila time tu ;(

Then, ayah Zima bagi duit kat Fana ,Ayu and Kiki utk balik menaiki ERL to putrajaya. Masa dalam train tu, Fana still sedih and rasa nak menangis lagi tapi Ayu tlg pujuk fana. Thanks Ayu! kalau tak,memang tak berhenti lah Fana nangis.hehe

And now, Zima was studying at IIUM Petaling Jaya which is nearer than Sarawak.HAHA. But still, jarang jumpa. Hehe. Since she's study here, we just met twice. First, kat KLCC time Zima baru nak register kt IIUM. Second, Zima datang rumah Fana and sleepover here. hehe. Hopefully, dapat jumpa dalam masa terdekat ni sebab ada macam2 cerita nak berStory dgn dia.hehe

Last but not least, I miss to hanging out with her like old times ;) and and Zima! I miss you! Nanti dah balik PJ bagitahu tau! Okay, that's all for today! Kalau ada any mistakes in this post, buat bodo je lah eh?Hehehe

Toddles ;)

De' Intro Of Da Story.

Hello everyone! it's already 1:40 AM and i am still sitting here in front of my iMac to create my new blog. mweehehehehe. So, this is the new one and i'm going to share many story of my life. Mmm Mmm, tak tahu nak ckp apa dah. Let's begin.

Well,actually ni blog fana yang lama tapi fana update kasi baru. Baru punya cerita. Hehe. I am so excited reading my friends and cousin blog but fana sendiri xde blog. Maklum lah, Fana ni stalker. suka stalk orang. HAHAHAHA! So, after da baca banyak blog orang ni, Fana pun tiba-tiba teringin nak berblog-ing juga. Hehe. And here is it 'Farhana Aziz's' official blog.

Ermmm,actually fana dah mengantuk ni. That's why lah fana merepek bukan-bukan kat first post ni. So, i think that's all for today. esok fana update lagi okay. 

Btw, Happy Birthday My Lovely Blog ;D